Costco has cultivated a loyal fanbase for a reason. They’re doing something right—whether you pin that on the unbeatable prices, impressive portion sizes, or the food court pizza alone. However, the steadfast following doesn’t mean all shoppers are completely satisfied! We all have our opinions.

Here’s what Costco customers would change if they were running the store.

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Robert Nickelsberg//Getty Images

An updated app and website

Reddit users flooded an online thread on the subject and said the first thing they would change is the app and website—or more specifically, according to one shopper, bring both platforms “into the current century.”

“It’s like using the Sears website circa 2005. It’s shocking that they think it’s acceptable,” one person complained, while another said the “app and website need to be modernized.”

That includes adding warehouse inventory to the site. “Let us see all the flash sales and new items and availability,” an online user wrote. “Don’t make me check every week for Reese’s peanut butter animal crackers that will never return since they were there that one time and I only bought one bag.”

Scan and go

One of the main complaints of Costco shoppers is the fact that the superstore hasn’t yet implemented a scan and go process like its competitor Sam’s Club. “Going to costco vs sams it feels like stepping back in time. Put all your crap into the cart, take it all out, put it all back. Sams trip is so much less stressful,” a Redditer commented on the thread. Others called it a “game-changer.”

“I love Costco more than Sam’s Club but Sam’s has that one huge advantage,” another echoed. “It would save so much time if we were able to scan and pay for our items before reaching the front of the store.”

Bring back the photo center

You remember the Costco photo centers—where, apparently, you could get $5 passport photos back in the day? Well, customers would absolutely bring them back.

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Coffee and bakery goods in the food court

While the Costco food court may have a shopper-loved menu already, the one thing that could make it better is coffee and bakery goods, shoppers claim.

“Combo at the Café: cup of black coffee + single muffin or croissant from the bakery,” a customer suggested. “A hot cup of coffee would change to Costco experience!!” a second person said.

And single slices of cake

So you don’t want to spring for the entire cake? Customers have a solution: “Single slices of cake in the food court would be wonderful.”

More car wash locations

ICYMI, some Costco locations actually have car washes—and customers want more of them. If this is news to you, you’re not alone. “Wait they have car washes?!” several people asked online. “It’s a thing of beauty,” another shopper confirmed.

Move samples

While some folks might hit up Costco for the samples alone, others aren’t thrilled with the way they block aisles and make the store more difficult to navigate. “Move samples away from high traffic areas,” a Reddit user suggested. “Move all samples to an easy to avoid samples area,” a second agreed.

Stop rearranging the store

There was a common consensus online: shoppers hate the way Costco routinely rearranges its aisles—and they want it to stop.

“Seriously. I just want to shop and get the stuff I want to buy. If I see something else, maybe I’ll get that too,” a user wrote. “Corporate-mandated ‘Treasure hunt’ is obnoxious.”


Headshot of Megan Schaltegger

Megan Schaltegger is an NYC-based writer. She loves strong coffee, eating her way through the Manhattan food scene, and her dog, Murray. She promises not to talk about herself in third person IRL.

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