While black coffee is considered healthy in moderation—and adding cream and sugar is relatively fine—chains like Starbucks, Dunkin’, and Tim Horton’s are known for more than just their classic brew.
Lattes, frappucinos, and macchiatos (as well as drink customizations) have become the norm on coffee chain menus. And while these beverages might be popular for their indulgent flavor profiles, those characteristics are also what makes them fairly unhealthy. Hate to break it to you, but your favorite coffee order might be loaded with fat, sugar, and calories.
Before we dive in, let’s talk about the recommended fat and sugar recommendations for context. According to the American Heart Association, you should avoid consuming over 13 grams of saturated fat per day. They also suggest sticking to 25 grams of sugar daily.
Tim Horton’s Oreo Iced Capp
The Canadian coffee chain’s Oreo-flavored iced cappuccino is brimming with calories, sugar, and saturated fat. A 16-ounce version of the drink contains 28 grams of fat (and 18 grams of saturated fat), 44 grams of carbs, 39 grams of sugar, and 444 calories in total. When we compare these stats with the AHA’s recommendation, we see that the beverage contains sugar and fat content that is well over the recommended daily intake—and that’s for just one drink.
Starbucks Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappucino
Frappuccino’s aren’t exactly known for being good for you. They’re typically packed with calories and sugar. That’s true for Starbucks’ White Chocolate Mocha. The 16-ounce grande size has 420 calories, 17 grams of fat, 11 grams of saturated fat, and an astounding 73 grams of sugar—that’s nearly triple the daily recommendation.
McDonald’s Frappe Mocha
Micky D’s Frappe Mocha is has 560 calories in total. The 16-ounce version of the drink also has 24 grams of fat, over an entire day’s worth of saturated fat (15 grams), and 70 grams of sugar—which, once again, is nearly triple what the AHA advises. Woof.
Dunkin’ Caramel Creme Frozen Coffee
If you thought the Frappe Mocha’s 560 calories were bad, just wait. Dunkin’ just said, “hold my beer.” The Caramel Creme Frozen Coffee has a whopping 860 calories in the 16-ounce medium alone. Now, that’s not the only red flag. There are also 30 grams of fat, 17 grams of saturated fat, and wait for it, 132 grams of sugar. That’s five times the recommendation. The chain’s Triple Mocha Frozen Coffee isn’t too far off, with 840 calories.
Starbucks Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino
While slightly better than Dunkin’s take on frozen caramel coffee, Starbucks’ version isn’t all that much better. The grande size has 470 calories, 22 grams of fat (and 14 grams of saturated fat), and 60 grams of sugar.
Dunkin’ Pumpkin Swirl Frozen Coffee
While Dunkin’s infamous Pumpkin Swirl Frozen Coffee isn’t technically on the menu this year, it’s still available by making customizations on the mobile app, a rep for the brand told Delish. One reason they may have wanted to keep the option more discreet this year? It’s high calorie and sugar content.
According to the Daily Mail, the drink has 930 calories in a 32-ounce large (860 calories in the 16-ounce medium) and 185 grams of sugar. That’s over seven times as much sugar as you should be having for the day, according to the AHA. That’s the equivalent of 46 teaspoons of sugar, or 14 glazed donuts, the outlet reports.
Megan Schaltegger is an NYC-based writer. She loves strong coffee, eating her way through the Manhattan food scene, and her dog, Murray. She promises not to talk about herself in third person IRL.