While you might think that anything with sugar and sprinkles qualifies as the perfect birthday treat, according to one teacher on TikTok, that’s not entirely the case. In fact, she’s begging parents to stop sending with their kids to school with cupcakes.
In the now-viral video, which has garnered over 2.4 million views, the creator-slash-kindergarten teacher says cupcakes are too “messy” to bring for a classroom birthday.
“I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but please don’t bring cupcakes,”Ann Brackemyer says in the video. “These make a ginormous mess and the kids honestly don’t eat them that great.”
She elaborated that the dessert’s “too messy” frosting “gets all over” the kids, who then “don’t know what to do.”
So…what should parents bring to school? According to Brackemyer, at least, frosted sugar cookies with sprinkles, donuts, ice cream cups, and Little Debbie snacks are better options.
“These are just simple and easy snacks that you can bring for your child in their classroom that are not as messy and also the kids love,” she said, before adding that Cosmic Brownies are a “favorite” in her classroom and only cost between $2 to $5 for an entire box.
The internet, however, isn’t exactly onboard with the TikTok teacher’s take. “I don’t understand how ice cream is less messy than cupcakes?” one user argued, while another chimed in, “Is it your birthday? Or theirs?” Even a fellow teacher added in the comments that you should “send whatever your kid wants.”
“As a teacher, the kids don’t care they’ll eat anything nor do we care, we’ll clean them up. Keep the cupcakes coming because I want one,” a second teacher said.
Some users were quick to Brackemyer’s defense, though. “She’s giving suggestions..they all seem helpful I don’t get why y’all are so upset,” one person argued.
“Some of y’all in the comments don’t understand the difference between ‘here are some suggestions that go smoother in my experience’ and ‘you have to do these or the teacher hates you,'” another said.