
canacol//Getty Images

Beech mushrooms grow on beech trees, have thin stems, small tops, and come in clumps. Once cooked, they tend to hold their crunch well, adding a nice, nutty texture to salads or side dishes.


Black Trumpet

black trumpet mushrooms
Per Grunditz / EyeEm//Getty Images

Black trumpet mushrooms are the darker, nuttier version of chanterelles (which we will get to). They have a rich, smoky flavor that plays well with simple dishes.



button mushrooms
Boris SV//Getty Images

You definitely recognize these from the grocery store. Also called white mushrooms, button mushrooms are what you see most often as a side dish at steakhouses. The outside is a creamy white and the inside has dark brown lines.

They don’t have much flavor on their own, but “use [them] whole in dishes where you want their shape and texture,” Linford recommends. Or make a garlick-y side with them, like these garlic butter mushrooms.

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raw uncooked chanterelles mushrooms
Natasha Breen//Getty Images

These orange, flower-like mushrooms are one of the most popular wild edible mushrooms. Their flavor is a little fruity, and they are “highly prized for their fragrance and beautiful appearance,” Linford said. “Briefly fry these in oil or butter before adding as a garnish to meat, poultry, or fish dishes.”



baby bella mushrooms on marble cutting board
Claudia Totir//Getty Images

Cremini mushrooms have brown tops, white stems, and a tan interior. They’re similar in flavor to button mushrooms, but typically costs a little more.

“Slice and fry in butter, add a splash of cream, touch of grain mustard, and sprinkle of chopped parsley for the most delicious mushrooms on toast,” Linford said. “[These are] also good on pizzas.”



enokitake mushroom
Joff Lee//Getty Images

Enoki mushrooms look like little sea plants. They have long stems, tiny caps, and a mild flavor.

“Fry these slender-stalked mushrooms in butter with garlic or soy sauce or add at the last minute of cooking to soup ramen or hot pots.”

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germany, hedgehog mushrooms, hydnum repandum
Westend61//Getty Images

The hedgehog mushroom has a stem that varies in size, a flat wide top with a tooth-y underside, and a fruity aroma. The flavor is sweet and nutty, best enjoyed sautéed in butter.


King Trumpet

oyster mushrooms
Alla Tsyganova //Getty Images

Trumpet mushrooms have a thick stalk and thin caps. “Also known as king oyster mushrooms, these large mushrooms have a great, scallop-like texture,” Linford said. “Excellent fried or added to sauces or stews.” Try replacing the scallops in this recipe with a one-inch slice of the stem.



maitake mushroom on wood
Larissa Veronesi//Getty Images

Maitake mushrooms are also called hen of the woods for their meaty texture and flavor. They are a wild variety, “best simply sautéed and eaten on its own so as to enjoy its distinctive flavor,” Linford said.

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morel mushrooms

Morels have short stems and oblong tops with a veiny, honeycomb-like texture. Because of that, they are great in sauces with meat or pasta. Try them in this coq au vin recipe.



oyster mushroom
Lew Robertson//Getty Images

The oyster mushroom gets its name from the cap’s color and shape, which looks similar to an oyster. Their flavor also evokes that of seafood.

“These have a very delicate flavor and texture, so use in stir-fries,” Linford said. “Try pairing with chicken or vegetables or add to soups.” Enjoy it in this chicken-fried mushrooms dish.



boletus edulis mushroom on cutting board
Mataya//Getty Images

Porcini mushrooms have a fat stem that’s a little thicker on the bottom and a thin umbrella-shaped top and creamy-white interior. Their rich and earthy flavor is more intense than most mushrooms’.

“A classic Italian way to enjoy fresh porcini is sautéed in olive oil with garlic and parsley,” Linford said. You’ll also commonly see porcini in dried form, which is a great way to add flavor to soups, stews, or sauces.

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upside down portabello mushrooms, still life, overhead view
Magdalena Niemczyk – ElanArt//Getty Images


shiitake still life
Enrique Díaz / 7cero//Getty Images

These brown topped, white under-sided mushrooms have a buttery and meaty flavor. “Fresh shiitake are great in stir-fries or added to miso soup,” Linford said. “Dried shiitake, sometimes simply called Chinese mushrooms, are great in Chinese braised dishes, bringing a meaty texture and flavor.” Try these sautéed mushroom dish made with shiitake.

Headshot of Felicia LaLomia

Felicia LaLomia is the Food & Culture Editor for Delish. When she isn’t covering food news or writing features about delicious trends in the culinary world, she’s searching for her next perfect bite.


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